Oh! my z-sh!

Soheil Paidar
2 min readDec 26, 2020


oh my zsh screenshot

If you are a Linux user and also you are the one who uses everything out of the box, you probably used bash all the time. bash is the default shell in many Linux distros including Ubuntu, RHEL, etc.
I think that before apple switched from bash to zsh, almost all Unix-like OS users, used bash. but after that many experienced taste of zsh and decided to use it anywhere!
The first time I saw zsh when I was watching an online JS course. the lecturer was using a strange shell that I hadn’t see before. I searched about it and I found that it’s a zsh shell with oh my zsh framework and gnzh theme! then I installed it and it rocks!
to install oh my zsh go to https://ohmyz.sh/. you should have git and zsh installed on your machine. at first sight, it’s just a beautiful bash. but trust me! it’s way better! so I try to share some useful hints and tricks about it:
1- In bash we can use the up arrow key to access previous commands. it has similar functionality with some improvements. for example, you want to type: ‘git add . ‘ and you have typed it two days ago and you entered 100 commands after that. in bash you should press the up arrow key 100 times to access this command but in zsh it’s enough to press g or gi and press the up arrow key. it would search your history and just show commands that you entered before and starts with ‘g’ or ‘gi’! It’s sometimes more useful to me than bash scripts!
2- Zsh is more intelligent in suggesting commands and paths when you press the tab key. it’s not case sensitive and also predicts your choice by searching your directory lazily! also, I think it’s more intelligent to predict commands and arguments.
3- Themes: It has many free themes that you can use and make shell beautiful again!
4- In many themes you can see some git Infos like your branch and … at your prompt!
I’m using zsh for some months and I think it’s more user-friendly than bash. if you are a terminal man too, give it a try!



Soheil Paidar
Soheil Paidar

Written by Soheil Paidar

Founder and CEO @IBIC. Blockchain and Innovation enthusiastic

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